
After calling the dialog window "Adsorption" the following input window appears:




Ansatz functions

Selection of the adsorption isotherms: It is distinguished by:





The adsorption can be calculated zoned with different parameters for the respective zones (attribute Z-KD).

Each isotherms with their corresponding parameters are described in chapter "Adsorption“.


Matrix parameters

Definition of the density of the matrix (soil parameter) in [kg/m³]



If a zoning file already exists, it can be selected via the appearing file selection window. For a new zoning a preformatted file in *.txt format can be created by clicking the button . The format of the file is described in chapter “Structure of the zoning files“ (data structure of the groundwater model).


Adsorption parameters

Depending on the chosen adsorption isotherm the required coefficients are entered here, unit [m³/kg].



Based on the input parameters and the underlying isotherm a preview graph is created. This can be saved as an image (save diagram).


Extended: Degradation and production