Structure of the zoning files

The zoning files are ASCII files that have basically the following structure:

In the first column are the numbers of the zones that have been assigned in the model file to the elements (attributes KD-Z, Z-AP). These zones will now be assigned according to their task (adsorption or degradation and production) of the required parameters:

Die Zonierungsdateien sind ASCII-Dateien, die grundsätzlich folgenden Aufbau besitzen:


e.g. for the adsorption by Freundlich:

Zone number 1. Freundlich Isotherm 2. Freundlich Isotherm

1 0.001 0.001 #zone number CHI1 CHI2



e.g. degradation and production (Step or tent function):

Zone number Calc. method Max. slope lower limit upper limit

1 1 0 2 10 20 #Zone number, calc. method, PRODF0, PRODF1, U1PRODF, U2PRODF


Calculation method = 1 ==> Application of the Step function
Calculation method = 2 ==> Application of the tent function


The individual parameters are separated by spaces or tabs, after a # comments can be written into the file.


If there is no file with zoned parameters it can be created the following way:

Enter a file name in the corresponding dialogue field. Click the button "Create file" () and save the batch file or start a computation. Then the entered values are stored in the "file for zoned parameters".

The relevant dialogue box appears only if the attributes Z-AP (for degradation and production) or Z-KD (for adsorption or heat) are present in the model file.



Files of the inverse modelling