

Plots measuring data or differences to measuring data


1st line: data identification number for differences, transformation flag and time step

2nd line: colour number, line thickness, flag for the representation of the differences:

0 = circle representation
1 = bar representation, scaling parameter for the bar height

3rd line: name of the file which contains the measuring data

The file with the measuring data has to be in the ASCII structure data format .

An identification number = 0 causes the measuring data to be plotted as values.

An identification number > 0 requires node wise data for all nodes or element wise data for elements. Then the differences between these data (current layer) and the measuring data at all measuring nodes inside the modelling area are computed. The differences are plotted as circles or bars. You can adjust the marker type and the marker height with the help of the initialization parameter ETYP und EHGT. Additionally, the program takes down the computed differences into an ASCII file (DiffEich.tmp) if the initialization parameter EDIF is set to 1.


Note: the function for measuring data and differences is not available for vertical sections!




Representation of any data as a function curve, also possible with corresponding 'nominal values'


1st line: title for the x-axis

2nd line: title for the y-axis

3rd line: name of the file which contains the function values

4th line: colour number for the function curve

5th line: minimum / maximum values (if min = max, the global values are used)

6th line: interpolation flag (1= with interpolation, 0 = without interpolation)

7th line: flag for nominal values (1= with nominal values, 0 = without nominal values)

With nominal values:

8th line: colour number for the nominal values

9th line: name of the file which contains the nominal values


In principle, the command FUNK requires no binary files and no prior program execution. But there should exist a file aaa and the corresponding further binary files (bbb, ccc, ...). Otherwise, the plot generation cannot be executed. The binary files can result from any execution and any model, but they must be present in the current directory.




For intercalculation of two data types


1st line: identification number of the first data set, transformation flag, time step, layer number

Layer number > 0: data result from another layer (3D model)
Negative identification: data result from another calculation ( another directory), in that case contains th following line the directory, where the data can be found (absolute or relative path from the current working directory, the last character must be a slash '/'!)

2nd line: identification number of the second data set, transformation flag, time step

Layer number > 0: Data from another layer (3D-Model)
Negative identification: data result from another calculation ( another directory) in that case contains the following line the directory, where the data can be found (absolute or relative path from the current working directory, the last character must be a slash '/'!)
Identification = 0: (only allowed in case the first data set results from another directory or another layer): In this case, the first data set is not transformed. This makes it possible to plot data directly from another calculation/directory or another layer (without any transformations).


3rd line: intercalculation type: '+', '-' , '*' or '/' (1st character in the line!)

(The line with the intercalculation type is not required when the identification of the 2nd data set is equal 0).

Note: You can use a maximum of one data set from another directory or layer in the intercalculation algorithm! Otherwise, you can do the intercalculation directly in the corresponding directory or layer.


The plotting of the intercalculation results is done with the help of one of the commands WERT, KREI, ISOL, FLAE or SCHR and the identification number-99. Afterwards, the intercalculation result is deleted.




Hatching of elements in a horizontal section of a 3D model where the difference between the potential head and the z-coordinate is less than 0. This command is accessible only via the batch file parameters.


1st line: colour number, line thickness, line type and time step (for potential heads)


This function is only available for horizontal sections of 3D models. The program computes the difference between potential head and the z-coordinate at the element centre. The plot gives the following information:


In a horizontal section at the layer 0 or 1, usually the z-coordinates of the first node layer are equivalent to the ground level. Then the hatched elements represent the areas where the distance between ground level and ground water level (= ground level - potential head) is positive.

If the section represents the bottom of an aquifer, the elements where the potential head lies beneath the bottom (z-coordinate) are hatched.