Plots path lines
1st line: colour number, line thickness, line type
2nd line: marker type, z, ize (only marker type = 1)
Marker type = 0: no marking
Marker type = 1: markings after each 'z' time units, z = number of time units
Marker type = 2: markings after each 'z' meters, z = distance in meters
The selected time unit for the marker type = 1 is defined by the integer number ize:
ize = 0: seconds
ize = 1: minutes
ize = 2: hours
ize = 3: days
ize = 4: months
ize = 5: years
The program always plots all computed path lines which are stored in the binary files.
Plots text at elements (attribute ETXT)
1st line: colour number, line thickness, line type
2nd line: marker type, (x, y)-offset in cm, text height in cm, frame flag (in case of flag = 1)
In case of horizontal sections through 3D models, the program plots by default the element texts of all layers. A negative colour number limits the text plots to the current layer. The marker height is equal to the text height. The frame height is 1.5*text height.
The available marker types are equivalent to the regular PLX markers
Inputting '-1' causes no markers to be plotted.
This function is not available for vertical sections in 3D models.
Plots element wise or node wise data as equal-value domains
1st line: data identification number, transformation flag and time step
2nd line: first colour number, line thickness, line type
3rd line: which type of interval and further input depending on type:
The input type 4 can only be entered via the batch file.
If more intervals are defined as colour shades are available the colours are repeated.
Area plots can only be created from data that are defined for all nodes or for all elements.
Plots the free surface in vertical sections (3D models) and vertical models, manages the areas where equal-value lines (ISOL), equal-value domains (FLAE) and velocities (GESC) are not plotted above the free surface.
1st line: colour number, line thickness, line type and time step
The free surface is only plotted for a colour number > 0. Colour numbers = 0 switches on the flag for equal-value lines, equal-value domains and velocities. This ensures that they are not plotted above the free surface. A colour number < 0 switches the flag off again.
Plots velocities
1st line: colour number, line thickness, line type, time step and vertical flag (for vertical section through a 3D model or a vertical model)
In case of vertical sections through a 3D model or vertical models, the vertical flag defines whether the vertical velocity components are super elevated as the whole plot (vertical flag = 0) or not (vertical flag = 1).
Furthermore, please notice that the velocity representation in vertical sections of 3D models requires a total of three colours. The specified colour is used for velocities where the angle between the resulting velocity and the section plane is less than 20 degrees. The additional colour number +1 is used for velocities pointing out of the section plane; the colour number +2 represents the velocities pointing into the section plane.
Plots markers at nodes with equal potential heads (GLEI-nodes)
1st line: colour number
2nd line: marker type, marker height
3rd line: Flag for the node number (1 = with, 0 = without), height of the node numbers
Plots equal-value lines of node wise or element wise data.
1st line: data identification number, transformation flag and time step
2nd line: colour number, line thickness, line type
3rd line: which type of interval and further input depending on type:
The input types 4 and 6 can only be entered via the batch file.
The plotting of equal-value lines is only available for data which exist for all nodes or elements!
Plots the computed rates of control lines
1st line: colour number, line thickness, line type, transformation flag and time step
This function is not available for vertical sections!
Plots circles at nodes or in elements
1st line: data identification number, transformation flag and time step
2nd line: colour number, line thickness, scaling flag and scaling value
The circles can be created for either node or element data. A circle plot is only useful for data which do not exist for all nodes or elements. The positive values are represented by the specified colour. The colour number +1 is used for the negative values.
A negative colour number plots only values which are not equal zero.
Selection of the scaling flag 1 requires a scaling value > 0 which corresponds to a circle radius of 1.0 cm.
With no scaling flag or selection of 0 the maximum radius is automatically determined from the plot size. Otherwise you can explicitly define the maximum radius using the initialization parameter RADI in the file plogeo.ini.
Identification number -99: for calculated data. The transformation flag and the time step are ignored. See batch command RECH!
For plotting of points (or markers) at nodes or in elements
1st line: data identification number, 0, time step, 0
2nd line: Marker type, marker height
3rd line: Dummy, number of intervals
from 4th line: interval boundaries (at maximum 5 per line)
from 5th line: colours for the intervals (at maximum 5 per line)
At the moment the values equal zero are not interpreted. Only node or element data can be plotted as points.
Plots node texts (attribute KTXT )
1st line: colour number, line thickness, line type
2nd line: marker type, (x, y)-offset in cm, text height in cm, frame flag (in case of flag = 1)
In case of horizontal sections through 3D models, the program plots by default the node texts of all layers. A negative colour number limits the text plots to the current layer. The marker height is equal to the text height. The frame height is 1.5*text height.
The available marker types are equivalent to the regular PLX markers
Inputting markertype = -1 causes no markers to be plotted.
This function is not available for vertical sections in 3D models.
Creates hatching or rather an area plot of element data
1st line: data identification number, transformation flag and time step
2nd line: type and definition of the hatching intervals:
If more intervals are defined as colour shades are available the colours are repeated.
If no hatching distance or the distance = 0 defined, the hatching distance is automatically set to 0.2 cm.
Hatching plots are only available for element plots!
Plots stream lines.
1st line: colour number, line thickness, line type
2nd line: marker type, z, ize (only marker type = 1)
Marker type = 0: no marking
Marker type = 1: markings after each 'z' time units, z = number of time units
Marker type = 2: markings after each 'z' meters, z = distance in meters
The selected time unit for the marker type = 1 is defined by the integer number ize:
ize = 0: seconds
ize = 1: minutes
ize = 2: hours
ize = 3: days
ize = 4: months
ize = 5: years
The program always plots all computed stream lines which are stored in the binary files
Plots the water course level (VORF) of a receiving water course in vertical sections through horizontal or 3D models.
Input: colour number, line thickness, line type
Plots values at nodes or in elements.
1st line: data identification number, transformation flag and time step
2nd line: colour number
The function is only available for node wise and element wise data.
A negative colour number causes only values not equal 0 to be plotted.