Some default parameters of the plot generation can be altered by using an initialization file, which is always named plogeo.ini. The file is located in the directory:
If no file of that name exists, the default settings are used.
The file is read line-by-line until the end of the file is reached. Each line defines one parameter. The first four characters in the line (capitals) specify the parameter which is changed. Then the following numerical describes either height [in cm or mm] or there is a flag (0 or 1) that results in a particular representation or execution.
The plogeo.ini commands are defined by choosing Options from the Edit menu of the SPRING-user interface. By saving this menu, the selected settings are stored in the file plogeo.ini.
Example of a plogeo.ini file:
HLEG 0.15
HISO 0.18
HWER 0.13
All kinds of initialization parameters are described in detail in chapter SPRING-menus – Edit menu – Options – Plot options .
Initialization file spring.opt