The following data must be available for all elements or nodes in the model file:

Ground level (attribute GELA). To calculate the relief energy and the slope.

Depth to water table (attribute FLUR): To determine the evaporation and the runoff. The attribute FLUR can be calculated in SPRING as difference between – EICH (Attributes Computation
– EICH).

Precipitation (attribute NIED ).

Soil type (attribute NSBT). The soil type must be specified in the model file for all elements according to the following classification (nFK = usable field capacity):
Soil type |
Classification (= NMBT) |
Sand, low nFK |
1 |
loamy sand, middle nFK |
2 |
Loamy clay, high nFK |
3 |
Loess soils |
4 |
Pseudo gley |
5 |

Land use (attribute NMFN ): The land use must be specified in the model file for all elements according to the following classification:
Land use |
Classification (= NMFN) |
Agricultural use |
11 |
Farmland |
12 |
Grassland |
13 |
Fallow land |
14 |
Without vegetation |
15 |
Decidous forest |
21 |
Mixed forest |
31 |
Coniferous forest |
41 |
Mixed vegetation, share of sealing 0% |
51 |
Mixed vegetation, share of sealing 1-20% |
52 |
Mixed vegetation, share of sealing 21-40% |
53 |
Mixed vegetation, share of sealing 41-60% |
54 |
Mixed vegetation, share of sealing 61-80% |
55 |
Mixed vegetation, share of sealing 81-100% |
56 |
Water areas with discharge |
61 |
Water areas without discharge |
62 |
Dumps, indifferent deposit |
71 |
Deposit in use (without vegetation), low nFK |
72 |
Deposit recultivated (mixed vegetation), low nFK |
73 |
Dump in use (without vegetation), low nFK |
74 |
Dump recultivated (Mischvegetation), low nFK |
75 |
Mud pool without vegetation, high nFK |
76 |
Roof areas drained |
81 |
Asphalt, concrete drained |
82 |
Compund concrete (new), drained |
83 |
Mosaic-/small paving stones, drained |
84 |
Grass gid stones, drained |
85 |
Compressed, drained |
86 |
Sealed, not drained |
91 |
Asphalt, concrete not drained |
92 |
Compounf concrete (new), not drained |
93 |
Mosaic-/small paiving stones, not drained |
94 |

Slope class (attribute NMGK): The definitive slope is the maximum slope between two nodes of an element. The program computes this value automatically from the ground level (attribute ). The slope class must be specified in the model file for all elements according to the following classification:
Slope class (NMGK) |
Relief energy [m/km²] or slope [%] |
1 |
0 - 20 or 0 - 2 |
2 |
21 - 40 or 2 - 4 |
3 |
41 – 100 or 4 -10 |
4 |
> 100 or > 10 |

Class of depth to water table (attribute NMFK): The class of the depth to water table must be specified in the model file for all elements according to the following classification:
Class of depth to water table [m] |
Classification (= NMFK) |
Depth to water table 0 -1.0 |
1 |
Depth to water table 1.0 – 2.0 |
2 |
Depth to water table 2.0 - 3.0 |
3 |
Depth to water table > 3.0 |
4 |

Climate zones (attribute NMKL): The climate zones must be specified in the model file for all elements according to the following classification:
Climate zones, depending on the pot. evapotranspiration (ETpot) |
Classification (= NMKL) |
ETpot 400 – 480 mm/a |
1 |
ETpot 480 – 500 mm/a |
2 |
ETpot 500 – 520 mm/a |
3 |
ETpot 520 – 540 mm/a |
4 |
ETpot 540 – 580 mm/a |
5 |
ETpot 580 – 640 mm/a |
6 |
Via the menu item Attributes Computation
Groundwater recharge
According to Meßer 2008
Determine climate zones from ETpot (NETP
NMKL) the climate zones can be determined automatically in SPRING if the potential evopotranspiration is assigned (attribute NETP, unit [m/TU]) to all elements.