Soil types, - classes

Attributes: NMBT [-] (method of by Meßer), NSBT [-] (method of Schroeder&Wyrwich), (horizontal and 3D models only), BTYP [-] (according to NSBT, required for the transient recharge calculation considering the soil water balance), NKBT [-] (method of RUBINFLUX)

Depending on the procedure to calculate the groundwater recharge, the elements are classified according to specific soil types. In the method of Meßer sandy or clay soils are differed depending on their effective field capacity, as well as loess and soils with stagnic properties. In the method of Schroeder & Wyrwich the soils are classified by terrestrial sand or clay soils and semi-terrestrial soils.

In detail the methods are described in the chapter calculation of the groundwater recharge.

The following figure shows the distribution of soil types in a model: