Results of the density-dependent mass transport calculation

Intermediate results

As intermediate results of the density-dependent transient mass transport calculation the temporary concentration as well as the density at all nodes are saved in the output file „out.s“ additionally to the pure flow relevant data .



The calculation provides at the end of the density-dependent transient mass transport the final concentrations and the associated density of all nodes, additionally to the pure flow-relevant data .


If the resulting concentrations are required as starting values for a continuing calculation, they have to be converted from the unit kg/m³ into the unit kg/kg for the initial concentrations AKON. This can be done in three simple steps with SPRING:


First, the calculated concentrations are imported via the menu Attributes Import model data/Computation results to an arbitrary attribute, e.g. CCCC.

Then, the associated density is imported as well via the menu to another arbitrary attribute, e.g. RRRR.

In the last step the new AKON is calculated via Attributes Computation Intercalculation...: Concentrations CCCC / density RRRR = AKON (kg/kg)


Batch file density-dependent mass transport