Results of the steady state flow computation

The finite element calculation provides the following results (partly on request)

potential head at each node and the centre of each element (primary result)

Velocity for each element: the module SITRA outputs the field velocity (va), the module GEONEU outputs the Darcy velocity (vf), (va = vf/n)

The velocity field is saved in the background files and can be visualized with the software STRING.

distance between ground level and groundwater level at each node where the input file contains data for the ground level

mass flow rates (inflow and outflow rates) at each node where the potential head (POTE) is defined as a boundary condition

leakage rates at nodes and elements. The leakage coefficients and the receiving water course levels must be part of the input data. Leakage rates at nodes and elements where the input file contains leakage coefficients (LERA, LEKN, LEEL) and the receiving water course level (VORF

mass balance for the total of infiltration and exfiltration rates. It is compared to the total of mass flow rates. The total of the defined and the calculated rates must be close to zero. Besides, the infiltration (positive) is compared to the exfiltration (negative) and the areas with BILK and BILE are balanced.

mass flow rates at control lines defined in the input file (see control line calculation)

aquifer thickness for each element (in the case of a horizontal model which was calculated with an iteration of thickness)

Path lines on the basis of the calculated velocities (only module GEONEU)


Batch file steady state flow