Batch file steady state flow

It is possible to execute the steady state flow directly in the command line without using the dialog box, if a batch-file *.bge (for GEONEU) or *.bsi (for SITRA) exists in the directory. For this you have to change to the directory in which the calculation is to be executed. The input of geoneu (or sitra) and confirming with the Enter key starts the flow calculation. The default file name is geoneu.bge or sitra.bsi. This file is searched in the directory.

To use another batch file, type sitra (or geoneu) file name (the extension ".bge" or “.bsi” is automatically attached). Batch files can be created, viewed and modified with the help of any text editor.


Example of a batch file for a steady-state flow computation with the module GEONEU

out.g # Output file

1 1.0e-8 1.0e-6 # Equation solver (1-iterative,0-direct), residual, iter. difference

1 0 0 # Control lines? Velocity (0 average, 1 right, -1 left), vertical flow rate? (1-yes,0-no)

0 # Calculation of velocities? (1-yes, 0-no)

0 # Import K-values from EICHEN? (1-yes, 0-no)

1 5 1 0.5 # sat/unsat? (1/-1/0)(yes/contin/no),numb.,init.potentials EICH, atten.

0 # Calculation of pathlines ? (1-yes, 0-no)


Example of a batch file for a steady-state flow computation with the module SITRA

out.s # Output file

1 # detailed protocol (1-yes/0-no)

1 0 # Equation solver P/U (1-iterative, 0-direct, -1=multigrid)

1 0 # Calculation of control lines (1-yes, 0-no), IMITTEL

0 0 # Peclet numbers, hydr. cond. from EICHEN (1-yes, 0-no)


1 # satur./unsat. computation (1-yes,0-no)

0 0 0 # equal conc., density-related calc., p or h (1-yes/0-no)

5 0.5 # Number of iteration steps, factor of attenuation

0 0 # Flow/transport steady st./0 trans./1 trans.+conf./unconf./2

0 0 # Initial values POTE/KONZ from ASAT(3) null(2) EICH/AKON(1) =0(0)


The program ignores the characters behind the sign `#'. This space can be used for individual remarks.


The presented batch file for the steady state flow can be downloaded on our Homepage.


Here you find a detailed

description of the batch file for a steady state flow computation with GEONEU


Here you find a detailed

description of the batch file for a flow computation with SITRA