Via Calculation Steady state flow the following input window appears:
Input for the steady state flow calculation (3D model)
When calling the module, the program reads the batch file with the default name (here: sitra.bsi), the module SITRA is predefined as well. For the calculation with the module GEONEU the desired batch file has to be explicitly defined.
Iteration of thickness (2D model) / partially saturated computation (3D model)
This part is related to the iteration of the thickness in a 2D horizontal model or the partially saturated computation of the free surface in vertical or 3D models. The user must decide whether the iteration is performed. Furthermore, the maximum number of iterations and the attenuation factor must be defined.
Attenuation factor
In order to avoid oscillations in the iteration, the change of the thickness of one iteration to the next is provided with an attenuation factor 0 <w <1.
The buttons at the top of the input window allow resetting the input parameters (), opening an existing batch file (
) or saving the current batch file under another name (
The selection "Extended" leads to further settings.
Extended settings in the module SITRA