Formulation of the pressure equation

Hubbert's Law is a relationship between the hydrostatic pressure p and potential head h:



h = potential head [m]

z = elevation [m]

p = pressure [N/m²] = [kg/(s²m)]

ρ = Density [kg/m³]

g = gravitational acceleration [m/s²]


One of the flowing medium independent parameter for the permeability K is the permeability Kperm. The relationship between the permeability Kperm of a porous medium and the permeability K of the porous medium in terms of a flowing fluid is:




K = symmetric tensor for the Kf-Wert [m/s]

Kperm = Permeability [m²]

ρ = Density [kg/m³]

g = gravitational acceleration [m/s²]

η = dynamic viscosity [kg/(ms)]


Inserting these two equations in the from the potential dependent steady state flow equation, we obtain the steady state flow equation as a function of pressure:


The unit of the equation is that of the source term q = [1/s].

Since unsaturated conditions are to be taken into account, the Kf-value has to be scaled with a relative k-value krel (0<krel<1).


The factor krel [-] is defined as a function of the saturation: krel = krel (Sr). In the saturated zone is krel = 1.0.

The relative saturation is a variable, dependent of the pressure Sr = Sr(p), which is usually defined with a function according to van Genuchten.


Pressure-saturation function by van Genuchten