The non-linear relationship between capillary pressure and saturation is primarily determined by the nature of the soil (grain shape and grain size distribution). The following figure shows schematically the pressure-saturation relationship in the soil:
Capillary pressure-saturation relationship (pb means the water inflow pressure)
Van Genuchten defined the following relationship between the proportion of unsaturated from the saturated hydraulic conductivity:
Se = effective saturation
l = unknown parameter, determined by van Genuchten with the value 0,5
m = 1-1/n = constant, n = pore size index (> 1)
Van Genuchten [VAN GENUCHTEN, M. TH. (1980): A Closed-Form Equation for Predicting the Hydraulic Conductivity of Unsaturated Soils, Soil Science Society of Journal. 44: Pages 892-898. 1980] defined the values 1,5 (clayey) to 4,5 (sandy) for n.
The effective saturation Se is defined by the following formula:
The parameters are:
Sr = relative saturation Sr(p)
Sres = Residual saturation = minimum saturation level, which exists as a result of flow processes and depends on the type of soil
Ss = maximum saturation = saturation level which is depends on the soil type and is at maximum attainable (Ss ~1.0)
The effective saturation is related to the capillary pressure pc and the water inflow pressure pe as follows:
Solving this equation for the pressure-dependent relative saturation Sr(p), you obtained the pressure-saturation function according to van Genuchten on which the calculation in SPRING is based.
pc = capillary pressure [N/m²] = [kg/(s²m)]
pe = water inflow pressure [N/m²] = [kg/(s²m)]
The water inflow pressure is a soil specific parameter. It is defined as the inverse of a = 1/pe in the Saturation parameters. The following figure shows examples of the pressure-saturation functions according to van Genuchten depending on various soils:
Pressure-saturation functions according to van Genuchten
Calculation of the free surface (2D)