Plot – In general

After selecting the tab In General appears the following input block:



Standard line thickness

The plogeo.ini command PENW set the default line-width (in mm) for all objects where no line-width is explicitly defined.


Area instead of hatching

By activating this check box, the plogeo.ini command FLAE (not to confuse with the type of data FLAE or the PLOGEO batch file command FLAE!) is set to the value "1", that means, contour line area plots are coloured areawise and hatch plots are not hatched but coloured as areas.

Deactivating the check box means that the value is set to "0" so that contour line area plots are carried out with close line hatches and hatch plots are really carried out as hatching.

The output of an area or a hatch plot, which was created with the plogeo.ini command FLAE = 1, requires a printer that can also handle colour areas (not a pen plotter!).

Angles, distance and line width data from the hatch parameters are irrelevant for FLAE = 1!

In case of the contour line area plot only the entered partial areas are coloured. That means, the entered extreme interval boundaries are not completed by the global extrema (this is only the case when the plogeo.ini command FLAE is set to 0).



Plots with frame and text box

By activating this check box the plogeo.ini command NORA is set to the value "0", that means, each plot is provided with a plot frame. Is the check box deactivated the plot will be displayed without plot frame.


Plots with date and plt-name

By activating this check box the plogeo.ini command TIME is set to the value "1", that means, every plot is labelled at the left bottom with the date of generation, time and plot name (absolute path name). When the check box is deactivated the plots are not labelled (TIME = 0 in the plogeo.ini file).


Plot – Legend