Plot – Legend

After selecting the tab Legend appears the following input block:



Height of labelling

Definition of the height of the labelling in the legend in cm (plogeo.ini command HLEG)


Distance between legend and coordinate frame

Here the distance of the legend to the coordinate frame can be set in cm (plogeo.ini command DLEG).


Number of columns for domain legends

Here, the number of columns in the legend of an areally representation is defined (plogeo.ini command NLEG). You can choose between the possibility to show the legend in one or two columns.


Labelling as editable texts

By activating this check box the plogeo.ini command TEXT is set to the value "1", that means, the text is displayed in text format. Otherwise, the legends and frame labels are displayed as in polylines converted characters (TEXT = 0). A subsequent change of the text is then no longer possible.



Plot – Sizes