Creating transient structures is described in chapter: “Data structure, Transient input file from transient structures“
The following functions are selectable in the submenu:
Import boundary conditions ……
With this menu item an already existing transient database in spt format can be read in at the beginning of the model processing. This is useful, for example, if the mesh is to be refined. Then the transient data of the spt database is automatically refined.
Manage boundary conditions……
This function is only active when a transient input file has been imported. The following dialogue box appears:
The first dialog page General gives an overview of the attributes in the transient file as well as their minimum and maximum values.
Here, the reference date, time and the unit of the imported transient input file are changed.
Choice of quantity unit:
The desired time unit is set which applies to quantity-based transient data. The unit of time applies only to the transient input file.
In the second dialog page Edit (time step based), the transient attributes can be edited time-step-based:
For the selected attribute, the associated hydrograph can be displayed for any node (or element, depending on the data type).
In the left-hand list, the existing dates or times are logged. Times can be inserted or deleted via the buttons below.
In the right-hand node or element list, the assigned nodes or elements are displayed with their respective value at the selected time. Via the button Assign a new node (or element) with a value can be inserted. The following dialog appears
The entries are saved in the database immediately. Analogously, values can be changed or deleted at nodes or elements.
In the third dialog page Manage, the transient attributes can be managed:
Depending on the selected action, the respective attribute can be deleted, deactivated or reactivated, e.g. layer by layer, by area or only at some time steps. The changes are immediately saved in the database.
Import transient input file
If so far only a transient txt input file exists, it can be read in via this menu item. It is saved as a new spt file.
Export transient input file
After selecting this menu item, a file selection window appears in which the user can export the edited transient database as a new transient input file in txt format for later calculations.