At present, SPRING can create only two-dimensional fractures interactively on-screen. 1D fractures have to be created with the help of the fracture generator "Klufti.exe”. Details are available on our website under ”Download&Support“.
Via the menu item Contour New Fracture contour 2D fractures can be generated. The contour lines are the intersection lines of the fractures in the plane. After defining the fracture line by two points the menu item Contour Edit k-contours is selectable.
After selecting the fracture (the fractures have to be displayed in the main window) the following input window appears in which the fracture parameters are defined:
Fracture parameters
The dispersivity of the fracture is defined.
Opening width
The opening width of the fracture is defined.
The thickness of the fracture is defined, that affects only 1D fractures.
Angle of incidence
The angle of incidence describes the gradient of the fracture in space (green segment in the figure above). It is considered only in 3D models.
Direction of incidence
The direction of incidence describes the direction of the fracture in the plane (red segment in the figure above). It is the perpendicular to the sectional area of the fracture (= course of the k-contour). It is considered only in 3D models.
Generating k-contours and input of fracture parameters is possible both in a 2D and a 3D model. Transferring the k-contours as fracture elements is done via Special features Fractures Generate 1D or 2D fractures from fracture contour.