The following commands are accessible only via the batch file parameters.
Plots 1D fractures
1st line: colour number, line thickness, line type
Plots fracture numbers at 1D fractures
1st line: Colour number
Creates a coloured representation of the 1D fractures depending on the 1D fracture data
Input (separated by a blank or a tab):
1st line: identification number for the 1D fracture data
2nd line: colour number, line thickness, line type
3rd line: definition of values for the colour intervals:
1 (= equidistant intervals) and the number of intervals
2 (= from, to, distance) and min, max values, 4th line: distance
3 (= input of certain values) and the number of values, 4th line: values (maximum 10 per line)
Plots values at 1D fractures
1st line: identification number for the 1D fracture data
2nd line: colour number
Negative colour number causes only values not equal 0 to be plotted.