Text box types, coordinate frames, scale bar, north arrow


Set the text box type and input of the labels


1st line Type number of the textbox (0 = type I, 1 = type II, 2 = type III), number of following lines in type II, width (xdist) and height (ydist) in type III (separated by a blank or a tab)

2nd line (only type II): description of the data field (TF3A-F)

3rd line:

in case of text input: xoffset, yoffset, font size, angle, colour number, two-digit flag for font and font style

available fonts: Helvetica (1), Roman (2), Courier (3), Symbol (4)
available font styles: normal (0), bold (1), italic (2), bold italic (3)

In the font "Symbol (4)" only the choice of font style "normal (0)" is possible.

in case of date input: DATUM, xoffset, yoffset, font size, angle, colour number, two-digit flag for font and font style

in case of file input (with or without path): DATEI, font size, angle, colour number, two-digit flag for font and font style

in case of input of PLX-file: PLX, xoffset, yoffset

The input of file (with or without the path) and PLX-file is simultaneously not possible.

By the following information for the text box in a PLOGEO batch file (extract):


TFLD ## Text box type

1 8 # Text box type II, number of following lines

TF3A # Text box position

2 0.5 0.75 0 1 10 3D flow model # #

TF3E # Text box position

3 0.5 0.5 0 1 10 lower boundaries # #

TF3C # Text box position

DATUM 0 0.3 0.25 0 1 10 # #

TF3F # Text box position

DATEI 1 0.3 0.4 0 5 12 # #


this textbox is created:





Defines the coordinate frame type:


1st line: Type number 0 or 1

Type = 0 means the simple coordinate frame

Type = 1 means the topographical coordinate frame

Examples for this are given in the "Extended settings". Hence, the command has to be located in the file before the first command which plots data. Each of the commands HORI, VERT, DATE and NEUE automatically disables the command KOOR and activates the default type II. This explains why KOOR, if it is to be used, should always be used after these commands!



Plots a scale bar above the text box:

No further input required!

The command defines a flag whether a scale bar is plotted together with the frame or not. This frame is plotted together with the first data representation. Hence, the command has to be located in the file before the first command which plots data. Each of the commands HORI, VERT, DATE and NEUE automatically disables the command MASS. This explains why MASS, if it is to be used, should always be used after these commands!



Plots a north arrow above the text box

An example for this is given in the "Extended settings". Hence, the command has to be located in the file before the first command which plots data. Each of the commands HORI, VERT, DATE and NEUE automatically disables the command NORD. This explains why NORD, if it is to be used, should always be used after these commands!


Mesh data plots