Definition of the general representation level


The command defines a horizontal plot in a horizontal model or a 2D plot in a vertical model. Further inputs are not required. The command is required only in combination with a different scaling (batch command SKAL ).

This command in the batch file will be automatically inserted during the user’s selection of the appropriate plot and model type in the user interface.



Specification of the layer number for a horizontal section through a 3D or a 2D/3D model.


1. Line: layer number (integer) greater or equal than 0

Layer numbers 0 and 1 provide node/element data representation for the 1st layer. Layer number 0 for a 2D/3D model represents only the 3D part. Layer number = 0 represents the whole 2D / 3D area. (Attention: There is one node layer more than there are element layers!)

This command in the batch file will be automatically inserted during the user’s selection of the appropriate plot and model type in the user interface.




Creates a 3D mesh plot


1st line: colour number, line thickness, line type

2nd line: type of representation: 1 = only 2D part of the mesh, 2 = 2D and 3D parts with boundary, 3 = only 3D part of the mesh with boundary

3rd line: direction of view (0 degree = W, 90 degree = S, 180 degree = O, 270 degree = N), point of view (>0 from above, <0 from bottom), scaling factor in z-direction and focus (>0, parallel projection for distance = infinite)

A fully 3D model makes no difference between representation 2 and 3!



Input of node numbers to create a vertical section through a horizontal model, a 3D model or the three-dimensional part of a 2D/3D model. This command in the batch file will be automatically inserted during the user’s selection of the appropriate plot and model type in the user interface.


1st Line: Number of nodes (at least 2!)

From 2nd line:

Number > 0: node numbers (maximum 10 per line, separated by a blank or a tab)
Number < 0: number of following lines with x- and y- coordinates of one and if necessary layer number

In case of a 2D/3D model, the vertical section is allowed only through the three-dimensional part of the model! If the section does not lead along element edges but along straight connections between two nodes, some functions are not available anymore.

The vertical section through a horizontal model is only possible for the models where the aquifer bottom (UNTE) and the topmost boundary of the aquifer (OBER) (e.g. from or EICH or OBER) are defined. If applicable, the ground level at the top (GELA) and the additional thickness for an impermeable layer (UNDU) are taken into account for the vertical aquifer structure in the mesh plot (batch command NETZ).

The following figure shows the vertical section of a horizontal model with an impermeable layer, whose lower edge (green) is shown in the mesh plot.




Plot parameters