The principle model of a well looks as follows:
Principle model of a well (R = influence of a well)
The following figure shows the detail of a model, if no well parameters are set:
FE-mesh without setting well parameters
For the present example, the parameters R = 30.0 m, Ra = 150.0 m and C = 2.0 were set.
After confirming the dialog the resulting contour points around the well are shown in the user interface. So the user can check the parameters and change if necessary.
The parameters are stored in the structure file and are considered during the node generation. A node and element generation including an areally refinement around the well gives the following figure:
FE-mesh with setting of well parameters
Comparing the two figures you can see clearly the radially symmetric distribution of the nodes around the well, similar to a "spider web”.
The following vertical sections show the course of the free surface (green line). Caused by the finer discretization using well parameters it behaves similar to the cone of depression of a well (lower figure).
Vertical section without setting well parameters
Vertical section with setting well parameters
Stability criterion of the discretization in space