(The application described below is a preliminary test version!)
As part of the research paper "Development of the groundwater level as a result of climate change on the city of Dusseldorf" (delta h Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH / Institute of Applied Physical Geography RUB, 2014) a method for calculating transient space-differentiated rates of groundwater recharge has been developed which is based on the basis of a soil water balance model The method is integrated in SPRING via the menu RUBINFLUX.
The following figure shows the relevant balance components to determine the daily leachate quantity depending on the precipitation, which is recognized as "groundwater recharge" in the groundwater model.
Balance items for the determination of groundwater recharge rates

Transpiration, interception and evaporation are the components of the actual ("current") evaporation. They are limited by physical (e.g. heat radiation), astronomical (e.g. the sun) and climatic (e.g. current temperature) constraints and site-related restrictions (e.g. use, vegetation, soil).

"Rapid" runoff components are determined by their slope, land use, soil class and humidity (part ASCS) and the sealing degree at the observed location (part AVERS). The precipitation N must be reduced by the amount of rapid runoff from soil-dependent parameters and slope (ASCS) if the attribute GGRD is assigned.

Soil water storage: Its size is defined by the shares of (useful) field capacity and permanent wilting point of soil.
Water shares of the soil water storage