The bottom of the aquifer, known from the main input file, represents the lowest node layer. In general, the ground level () defines the topmost node layer. In case no data exist, the defined ground water level (EICH) defines the topmost node layer. In case no and no EICH data exist, the model boundary at the top is interpolated to nodes (OBER). By specifying the proportionality factors which define the ratio between the layer thicknesses, the layers between the lowest and the topmost layer can be generated.
The thickness between the lowermost and the uppermost layers is usually different for every node of the mesh. It is divided into the defined parts and the corresponding z-coordinates are determined:
The above algorithm is useful for relatively homogeneous aquifers without complex geological layers where the spatial flow has external reasons, e.g. a partially penetrating well, flow around a building or beneath a river.