DiffEich.txt/csv XE "DiffEich.txt:Structure and content"
The file DiffEich.txt (or DiffEich.csv) is generated in the plot generation after a flow calculation if the corresponding menu item (Origin - measured data) is selected in the plot generation dialog. The file contains the following information:
x-coordinate, y-coordinate, difference (calculated - measured), measurement, calculated groundwater level
The file C<Knoten/Element-Nr.>.csv is generated in the plot generation after a transient flow calculation, if the corresponding menu item (Type of illustration - Hydrograph) is selected in the plot generation dialog. The file contains the following information:
calculated groundwater level, measurement, time step, name of the monitoring well (from file sollpot)
More detailed information on these two files can be found in chapter "SPRING-Menues" in "Plot - Measured data".
reaktion.csv XE "reaktion.csv:Structure and content"
The file reaktion.csv is created at a flow calculation if the attribute BILK has been assigned at least to one node with the attribute POTE in the model file (*.net or *.3d).
The first line of the file contains the values of the attribute BILK in descending order. First, the balance areas of the first layer (if existing in the file *.net file) are listed in descending order. Then, the balance areas of the lower layers (from the file *.3d) follow in descending order.
The second line contains in case of a steady-state calculation:
The consecutive number of the time step (steady-state = 1.0), time (steady-state = 0.0), corresponding sum of the mass flow rate of the in the first line assigned balance areas.
After a transient calculation contain the second and the following lines:
The consecutive number of the time step, time of the transient input file, corresponding sum of the mass flow rate of the in the first line assigned balance areas
leakageBILK.csv XE "leakageBILK.csv:Structure and content"
The file leakageBILK.csv is created at a flow calculation if the attribute BILK has been assigned at least to one node with the attribute LEKN or LERA in the model file (*.net or *.3d).
The first line of the file contains the values of the attribute BILK in descending order. First, the balance areas of the first layer (if existing in the file *.net file) are listed in descending order. Then, the balance areas of the lower layers (from the file *.3d) follow in descending order.
The second line contains in case of a steady-state calculation:
The consecutive number of the time step (steady-state = 1.0), time (steady-state = 0.0), corresponding sum of the leakage rate [m³/TU] of the in the first line assigned balance areas.
After a transient calculation contain the second and the following lines:
The consecutive number of the time step, time of the transient input file, corresponding sum of the leakage rate [m³/TU] of the in the first line assigned balance areas.
leakageBILE.csv XE "leakageBILE.csv:Structure and content"
The file leakageBILE.csv is created at a flow calculation if the attribute BILE has been assigned at least to one node with the attribute LEEL in the model file (*.net or *.3d).
The other structure is identical to the file leakageBILK.csv.
sick.csv XE "sick.csv:Structure and Content"
The file sick.csv is created at a flow calculation if the attribute BILK has been assigned at least to one node with the attribute SICK in the model file (*.net or *.3d).
The other structure is identical to the file leakageBILK.csv, the sum is the seepage rate in [m³/TU] for the respective balance area.
glei.csv XE "glei.csv:Structure and Content"
The file glei.csv is created at a flow calculation if the attribute BILK has been assigned at least to one node with the attribute GLEI in the model file (*.net or *.3d).
The other structure is identical to the file leakageBILK.csv, the value is the calculated groundwater level in [m] for the respective balance.
gruben.csv XE "gruben.csv:Structure and content"
The file gruben.csv is created in a flooding simulation.
For each cavity (attribute GRUB) a volume hydrograph is generated that describes the current water spreading volume for each time step and, if a water level is defined (attributes HMAX and MENG), a volume hydrograph of the shrinking volume.
In addition, the amounts of the individual types of boundary condition for each time step are stored.
The first line of the file contains the names of each column, sorted by cavity 1, cavity 2, etc.
The following lines contain the data:
Time step, current water spreading volume, shrinking volume (when defined), amount of the boundary condition seepage (node is unsaturated), amount of the boundary condition fixed potential head (node is saturated), amount of the boundary condition leakge (node is saturated).