1st line: name of the output file (starting at the 1st column!)
2nd line: flag for complete record (flag=1)
3rd line: flag for the solver: 0=direct, 1=iterative, -1=multigrid
4th line: flag for computing control lines (1=yes/0=no), if flag = 1:
Flag for computing the velocities for the control lines:
0 = average between left and right velocity
1 = velocity from the right of the control line
-1 = velocity from the left of the control line
5th line: flag for the computing of Peclet numbers and (transient calculation only) Courant numbers (1=yes/0=no), flag for using the calibrated hydraulic conductivity from calibration (1=yes/0=no)
6th line: 'STROEMUNG' (only flow modelling) or 'TRANSPORT' (flow and transport modelling)
7th line: 3D model or vertical model: flag for a saturated/unsaturated calculation (1=yes/0=no)
Horizontal model using UNTE: flag for iteration of thickness (1=yes/0=no), else irrelevant line
8th line: 1. flag for transport: considering equal concentration at equal potential head (1=yes/0=no), 2. flag only important in 3D model or vertical model: density dependent calculation (1=yes/0=no), 3. flag: considering pressure or potential equation (1=pressure/0=potential)
9th line: Saturated/unsaturated calculation or iteration of thickness and/or density dependent calculation: number of iterations, attenuation factor, else irrelevant
Remark: For transient calculations with an iteration of thickness the number of iterations per time step is always 1 (no iteration!). Then, the attenuation factor should be equal 1.0 (thickness is only updated).
10th line: flag for steady state or transient flow and flag for steady state or transient transport: 3D model or vertical model: 0= steady state, 1= transient,
horizontal model with groundwater filled thickness:
0=steady state, 1=transient (without consideration of confined/unconfined conditions), 2=transient (with consideration of confined/unconfined conditions)
11th line: 2 flags for initial values of potential head and concentration/temperature (potential head for sat./unsat. calculation or transient flow) and concentration/temperature for density dep. calculation or transient transport: 2= data from file null (if file null not found then initial value = EICH/AKON), 1= initial potential head EICH or concentration/temperature AKON (if no values for EICH or AKON found then initial value = 0), 0= start value = 0.0
from the 12th line: input parameter for transient calculation
12th line: name of the transient input file (starting in 1st column!)
13th line: flag for warm start using the data in the file null (1=yes/0=no), (if file null not found then input is ignored!)
14th line: flag for definition of transient time steps:
0= flag for using the time steps from the transient input file, further input: factor for scaling down the time steps (integer), add. factor for scaling down time steps in transport eq. (optional)
1= constant time step length, further input (separated by blank or tab): time step length (double), unit of time (integer), (0=sec. 1=min. 2=hour. 3=day 4=month 5=year), add. factor for scaling down time steps in transport eq. (optional)
15th line: interpolation flags for transient boundary conditions for POTE, KNOT, FLAE, KONZ, 1KON, VORF and EFLA
For POTE, KNOT, FLAE, KONZ, 1KON, VORF and EFLA: 0= implicit use without interpolation, 1= implicit use with interpolation
For FLAE, EFLA and KNOT: -1= explicit use without interpolation, -2= explicit use with interpolation, flag for calculation with transient terrain settings as a result of subsurface mining (1=yes/0=no)
16th line: number of time steps or input for flooding: GRUB POTE or MENGE
17th line: flag for a complete record of the final results (file out66) to continue the transient calculation (flag=1)
18th line: flag for saving intermediate results to binary files: 0= flag for saving the results at every n-th time step, further input: n, 1= flag for saving the results at n defined time steps, further input: n, 2= flag for saving complete time-series plots at single nodes, further input: n
if Flag=1 in the 18th line:
from the 19th line: time steps in increasing order, maximum 10 per line, without the starting (0) and the last time step!
if Flag=2 in the 18th line:
from the 19th line: node numbers, maximum 10 per line