Water course parameters for the simulation of the interaction between groundwater and surface water

Attributes: VKST (Manning/Strickler coefficient [m1/3/s]), VBRT (wetted perimeter [m]), VGRD (bottom slope [pro mille]), VKNO (inflow at a water course node [m³/TU]), VINZ (incidences of stream edges [-]), VSYS (incidences of the water systems [-]), (horizontal and 3D models only)

During the flow simulation SPRING can perform an automatic estimation of the water course levels (steady-state and transient).

For this, individual water segments or the entire water system are to be parameterized with the wetted perimeter (VBRT), the bottom slope (VGRD) and the Manning-Strickler coefficient (VKST). These three parameters are needed to calculate the water levels in the water courses. They each relate to the edge of an element. The parameter VKNO is an additional inflow at nodes of a water system. He is taken into account in determining the flow rates, the amount is based on the time unit of the model file. VKNO can be defined as transient boundary condition as well.

The saving of the water systems is done analogously to the 1D fracture systems.

The attribute VINZ sets up an incidence table for the affected edges of the elements, which in turn are grouped by the attribute VSYS to water systems. The attribute assignment is edge-wise, that is for the 1D elements stored in VINZ.

There is an automatic allocation of the quantities in equal proportions in flow direction or the proportions can be defined in the file sitra_vsys.txt.