Both the geometric data types (node and element incidences) and all attributes are saved in the *.net – and the *.3d - files during the modelling in SPRING.
The user should not edit the node and element incidences manually, as this can lead to significant errors in the FE mesh. Should it even be necessary to edit the attributes in the model file by hand, the following standard format applies to almost all of the attributes:
Column 1 – 14: Assignment by the following possible formats:
Max. 14-digit real number as floating point, e.g. „14.99“ or „-1.234“
E-format: e.g. „1.e-7“ or „-2.5e+10“
The values must always have a decimal point.
Column 15 – 16: Special characters
For some attributes, it is possible to put a special character (e.g. F, /, *) in column 15 or 16, which affects the processing of the values. These signs are explained in the individual data types.
Column 17 – 79:
Node or element numbers in the format I6, after the number follows a comma or a hyphen for a number sequence from … to.
The element and node numbers are entered in the Fortran format I6, as long as no number is > 1 million. In order to manage larger numbers the keyword NUM must be specified with an attached decimal number in the fourth line of the *. net file. INUM values of less than six are ignored. The following formats are then changed from I6 to IINUM.
Column 80:
If the assignment of a type of data extends to more than one line, a "+" is set in column 80, which connects the lines together.
Each attribute block is completed with a blank line.
Between the individual data packets comment lines can also be added. These begin with a 'C' and three blanks ('C___'). Comment lines are ignored during the model checking.
Some data types (such as flooding or van Genuchten parameters) are stored in a specific format. As this happens automatically in SPRING, there is no need for the user to deal with this.