In the chapter "steady state flow" the differential equation for a steady state flow with sources and sinks term is derived, as potential and as a pressure equation.
In the saturated, density independent case the transient flow equation as a function of pressure is formulated like this:
That means:
S0 = spezific storage coefficient [1/m]
h = potential [m], (sum of pressure- and potential height)
t = time [s]
Kperm = permeability [m²]
krel = scaling factor of the relative k-value [-]
η = dynamic viscosity [kg/(ms)]
ρ= density [kg/m³]
g = gravity [m/s²]
z = layer height [m]
p = pressure [N/m²],
q = sources/sinks term [1/s].
The transient pressure flow equation requires the specific storativity S0p. It depends on the flow effective porosity n of the aquifer, the matrix compressibility α and the fluid compressibility β.
S0p = specific pressure storage coefficient [m²/N] = [ms²/kg]
n = flow effective porosity of the aquifer [-]
α = matrix compressibility [m²/N] = [ms²/kg]
β = fluid compressibility [m²/N] = [ms²/kg]
Note: If the compressibility of the entire system (attribute KOMP) is defined in the model file, the specific pressure storage coefficient (S0p) is substituted by the compressibility of the entire system.
After including the density ρ, the specific pressure storage coefficient S0p and a - caused by changes of the density - transient source/sink term you get the transient saturated/unsaturated density-dependent flow equation as function of the pressure:
Sr = Sr(p) = relative saturation depending on the pressure [-]
S0p = specific pressure storage coefficient [m²/N] = [ms²/kg]
n = flow effective porosity of the aquifer [-]
The unit of the equation corresponds in this case to q = [kg/m³s]
Computation of the storage coefficient