Realization in SPRING

Creating the file with the node track

The node track is defined in or against the flow direction of the receiving water course (note the order of the nodes!):


1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4, 8,+


Since the format of the file corresponds to the model file, the proceeding to generate this file is like this:

In a temporary copy of the model file the attribute LERA is deleted. Instead, the attribute LERA is assigned only to the linear structure of the water course which shall be interpolated.

LERA should contain all nodes of the water course (control by representing the attribute as circles).

After saving the model file and opening it with an editor the LERA data is copied and pasted in a new ASCII file. If necessary, "from-to"-signs have to be replaced by the missing node numbers. The finished file should only contain the sorted node numbers.



Creating the file containing the hydrograph data

The following figure is an example how to create hydrograph file. At two points of the receiving water course are gauge values. At the measuring point P2 a measured water level for one time step is missing.


Bild: Interpolation to a receiving water course track with floodplain


The hydrograph file begins with the date line. After a blank line follow the data blocks of each node, separated again by a blank line:


DATUM 01.01.1994



8 987.00

01.05.1994 19.53

05.05.1994 20.80

12.05.1994 21.95

16.05.1994 20.92




01.05.1994 18.17

05.05.1994 19.28

12.05.1994 20.12

16.05.1994 19.32


The 2nd line defines the measuring data not at node 8, but at a point 987 m away. The missing value (see figure above) for the time step 05.05.1994 at station P2 (node 3) was completed with an approximated value.

This file has to be created manually in the appropriate format.



Creating the file containing the floodplain nodes

First, a linear structure of the main receiving water course (Structure New Polyline) is created. The particular peak value of the flood wave is assigned to the “gauge node”.




Gauge P1 = Node 1 Peak value = 15.94 m NN
Gauge P2 = Node 68 Peak value = 16.20 m NN
Gauge P3 = Node 112 Peak value = 17.75 m NN


The line structure of the main receiving water course is assigned to any empty type of node data (e.g. KKKK) with an accuracy of about 1000 m. Then the calculation of the data types GELA - KKKK = KKKK is done and the values of KKKK limited to max. = 0.0 (Attributes Computation Intercalculation and after that Attributes Computation Limit…).

Next all values KKKK = 0.0 are deleted with Attributes Delete…only values = 0. The attribute KKKK is displayed as circles and then the attribute KKKK is deleted manually at the nodes of the water courses, at nodes behind a dam or at nodes which are too far away from the flood plain.


After a model check the attribute KKKK is exported via File Export Formatted Data Output…in the output format No., value (see Data Export).

The new file shall be reduced to the column with the node numbers with the help of MS Excel or something like that. Then, the file with the.floodplain node data is ready for use.

When all necessary files are provided the interpolation is performed after the model checking.

The following dialog box appears:


Interpolation to a node track under considering the floodplain


Here all names of the created files are entered.

The output file “out.i "of the interpolation contains the data of the transient potential heads of the main receiving water course and the floodplain nodes (marked with “-”). Potential heads of lower layers are also in this output file, if they were considered.

The output file is converted to the format of a transient input file with the following headers:


Example of a transient input file, converted from "out.i"



The marking NUM 7 indicates that the node numbers in the file out.i are written in the format I7 (normally the transient input file has the format I6).


Input Parameters of the SPRING Interpolation