Comparison of the calculation results

The next step is to carry out with the geometrically correct overall model a flow calculation. To obtain comparable results, it should be ensured that in the calculation of the partial model and the overall model the same combination of calculation module and parameters are used.

The validation is done by comparing the groundwater contours of the free surface of the integrated overall model with those calculated with the old overall model and the partial model.

As expected, differences will occur around the boundary of the partial model. Since the recalibration of a partial model is not restricted generally to the inner model, changes occur in the flow situation, which also have an influence on the model boundary.

The constant boundary in- and outflows lead to changes in groundwater levels in the peripheral region during the calibration adjustments of the partial model.

The prescribed boundary condition is no longer being forced when calculating the total model and the model can achieve a balance between the situation in the total model and the new situation in the improved partial model.

A comparison of the given boundary in- and outflow of the partial model with the amounts that flow in the new overall model over this surface can also be performed.


Notes and recommendations